
Muskyboy Scores Big in On-Line Tourney

Muskyboy proved once again that he is a dominant on-line player. On Friday, May 27th against a field of over 1300 participants Muskyboy schooled approximately 1200 of those players to once again finish in the money, with a 125th place finish. He went out (as usual) in Hellmuthian fashion by getting sucked out by inferior players, but was able to substantially increase his bankroll by turning his $3 entry fee into $3.68. Yes that's right a net gain of 68 cents over his three hours of poker wizardry. For those of you that are math challenged that calculates out to just under 23 cents per hour, which is slightly lower than what Nike pays its employees in China.


Several Pieces of Business

If this post ends abruptly, it's becuase I have set myself on fire becuase of the unending ABC ads for "Dancing with the Stars." ABC should be booted from TV for calling Joey McIntyre a star. Although, it is pretty funny when he says "most of my dancing was hip-hop." NKOTB were about as hip-hop as Pat Boone.

1. We have a nickname for Darren - Tabitha. Yeah, I know it wasn't on the poll. But Regulator came up with it after the poll was posted, and it has just the right happily deragatory tone. So Darren, er, Tabitha - we fully expect a nose wriggle before the next tourney.

2. At this point we need a nickname for Paul....maybe this is just a personal thing...but I have a hard time coming up with a deragatory nickname a guy who jumps into ice water to save my brother in law. So I'll leave that to the gliteratti of the MPT - Musky Boy and Regulator.

I'm updating the links. Keep in mind that there's a pretty big community of poker bloggers. Most of these bloggers all talk about each other and play with each other, and they have something called the WPBT (you figure out that acronym by yourself).

* Paul Phillips My poker hero. He's a .com millioniare. But more importantly, he's smarter than you are, and wittier too. This isn't Musky Boy's cup of Tea, because sometimes you have to think while reading it.

* Matt Matros - Math Geek turns poker pro. He has a book. He seems to be fairly smart...but he's Jackpot Jay's 'poker mentor.' Other than that, he's ok.

* Daniel Negreanu - One of the hottest poker players on the circuit. He's happy and funny - so he has that going against him.

* Felicia Lee - Seems like a cool chick.

* SirFWALGMan - Unstable mad man of the poker-blogger community. And he has great taste in blogger skins.

* Guiness and Poker -
AKA Our own Doc's way of life. This is (apparently) a hugely popular blog.

* Missives from a Degenerate Underacheiver - Poker? Nerd? Sounds very familiar to me.

* Bad Blood Plays Poker He has a bad-ass icon.

* Wil Wheaton - Not so much about poker as about his post-celbrity life as a 'blogebrity.' Musky-boy (or is it Musky-less Boy?) broke out his huge vocabulary when he reviewed this blog without having read it. His one word review was 'fag.' He's so PC it's killing me.

If you know of other worthwhile links let me know and I'll add them.


So, there has been some discussion as to what Darren's nickname should be. Regulator aptly pointed out that he looks like Darren Stephens from bewitched. Reg suggested that he be called "Bewitched." But we came up with two other suggestions. Both actors who played Darren Stephens were named Dick - so our other options take up on that. So let your voice be heard.

What should Darren's nickname be?
Two Dicks Wow!

Free polls from Pollhost.com


Hey, did you all notice

That the Cubs are horrible, and the White Sox have the best record in baseball? I guess that what happens when you have to pay $12 million for a cancer that plays in an Orioles jersey.


Just A Thought

I was thinking of ways we could change the pace a little bit. This may be a stupid idea, but I wanted to throw it out there anyway.

What if one night, maybe not for the regular monthly game - we do a heads up Tournament? I figure if we get the blinds set up so that the matches should last 30-45 minutes, we should be able to run an 8 or 16 man tournament in 4-5 hours. We could have a losers bracket (should we call it the Squeaky bracket?). Set up a cash game on the side once the initial losers are out, etc. etc.

However, NBC did this and Hellmuth won, so it can't really be indicative of real poker skill can it?

Anyhoo - let me know if you guys are interested, and if we have 8 or more, I'll work on setting it up for June-ish.

Oh, and for Musky Boy's excellent recap of Saturday Night's action - click here.


"Not the Master of My Own Domain" Recap

It was an eventful evening to say the least on Saturday. The biggest dissapointment of the night was Regulator not acting Fillmaff-ian when he lost 95% of his chips to a flush early. And by the way, who would be better to play the Regulator in "The Regulator Story: How a superior player lost his poker Mojo to crappy players" than a younger, thinner Micheal Lerner?

The Magic Man played 5 hands all night. He couldn't put Darren (ITASCA?) on QQ and his Kojack got pummelled. That took almost half his chips. With the blinds approaching, he looked down on AT, and knew what he had to do. There was already 1500 in the pot when he threw down an intimidating 1525 bet. Sausage Boy called him with A5. Magic was heard to say "Just don't let me get beat by 5s." Shortly thereafter, he was getting beat by a miracle straight draw. All by a guy who can't remember a simple password to a blog site. For the record, Sausage Boy gets demoted to "Little Sausage Boy" if he takes out Magic Man like that again!

After being eliminated, Magic's first thought was "Dammit. Regulator is right." But he quickly recovered, and sat quietly waiting for the inevitable early exit by Musky Boy. However, the joy of seeing Musky Boy eliminated was not to be, as he got a frantic call from home that his basement was flooded.

The worst part of Magic's night was seeing Dead Money headed to the second game, knowing that he couldn't go, and just seeing that $20 flash before his eyes as it walked to Squeaky's house.

So, 12 hard hours of labor later (still not finished) - Magic asks himself...if he could reverse the miracle Straight Draw or the Basement Flooding, which would he choose? If the answer isn't obvious, then you don't know Magic very well.

Who won? Who lost? I don't know, I don't care. I'm still a little bitter about the miracle straight draw, and losing out on the entertainment of a Regulator outburst. Now that I think about it, how can that guy win? He whines and I give him crap, he doesn't and I give him crap. Of course, I give everyone crap so how is that news?

I'll stop rambling here shortly, I promise.

We have nickname issues.

There was a new guy named Brian at the second game. I don't think he warrants a nickname yet. Besides, all I can come up with is Brian.

There was also a guy who drove up from Chicago (!) to play. His name is Allan or Alan or Allen for all I know. This attempt at a nickname is weak, and is possibly grounds for my dismissal from "Nickname Czar." But whenever I thought about him, I thought of Alan Hale Jr. So I will fondly refer to him as Skipper.

We also have Darren who is without a nickname. He comes from Itasca every month to play. That's not not nearly as desperate as Chicago. But I can't think of anything, so please respond to this thread if you have any good ideas.


Shift in Focus

The Chords of Paranoid rang out in Muskyboy's basement yesterday signalling a fundamental shift in his Poker Career. As a result, Muskyboy has closed his online Party Poker account in order to fund his "mid-life" guitar crisis. After purchasing a Jackson JS30 Randy Rhoads model guitar (from his Poker winnings) and relearning some classic Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Rainbow, Quiet Riot and Sammy Hagar Tunes (can anything by QR or Hagar be considered classic? well maybe not), Muskyboy has determined his evening time would be better spent jamming than playing online poker.

"Yawn, online poker has lost some of it's appeal. I think it was a result of my wife bitching at me everytime I played. Now, though, she gets to hear Screaming guitars at night and I know she has the urge to throw her panties at me when I'm rock'n".

Although he has left his Poker Stars account open for some occasional tournament action, his online time will be substantially diminished due to his new hobby.

"It was somewhat painful closing the Party Poker account considering my return on investment exceeded 2600%, but by minimizing my on line poker time it will allow me to focus on MPT tournament action. In addition with this free time from eliminating some of the on-line poker plus the time freed up from my resignation from Muskies Inc. I might resurrect my old band, Captain Howdy, and re-record (digitally this time) our first album, if I can remember the songs (doubtful)".

"I look back at my beginnings with on-line poker and the original goal was to play low dollar no limit ring games and single table tourneys to be able to cover the cost of a weekly multi-table tourney. I never really believed that it would grow into what it did. My life to date return on investment on all of my on line accounts exceeded 3100%, but it started to take up too much time. I think it's time to take a step back and play for the enjoyment of the game and not as a source of income".

Looks like it's time for the Muskyboy to learn Ace of Spades at high volume on the Jackson.


Sat Night

Short Updates for Saturday night's "I'm not the boss of my own house" Open. The odds are off for this week, mainly becuase I'm not feeling creative or original.

However, the good news is that I have a regular consulting gig again, and having that load off my mind, I can refocus my energy on making fun of all the other players on the tour.

I wish you all horrible luck, and please remember to treat our host with all proper respect afforded a man who is 6th in command in his own house.