Several Pieces of Business
If this post ends abruptly, it's becuase I have set myself on fire becuase of the unending ABC ads for "Dancing with the Stars." ABC should be booted from TV for calling Joey McIntyre a star. Although, it is pretty funny when he says "most of my dancing was hip-hop." NKOTB were about as hip-hop as Pat Boone.
1. We have a nickname for Darren - Tabitha. Yeah, I know it wasn't on the poll. But Regulator came up with it after the poll was posted, and it has just the right happily deragatory tone. So Darren, er, Tabitha - we fully expect a nose wriggle before the next tourney.
2. At this point we need a nickname for Paul....maybe this is just a personal thing...but I have a hard time coming up with a deragatory nickname a guy who jumps into ice water to save my brother in law. So I'll leave that to the gliteratti of the MPT - Musky Boy and Regulator.
I'm updating the links. Keep in mind that there's a pretty big community of poker bloggers. Most of these bloggers all talk about each other and play with each other, and they have something called the WPBT (you figure out that acronym by yourself).
* Paul Phillips My poker hero. He's a .com millioniare. But more importantly, he's smarter than you are, and wittier too. This isn't Musky Boy's cup of Tea, because sometimes you have to think while reading it.
* Matt Matros - Math Geek turns poker pro. He has a book. He seems to be fairly smart...but he's Jackpot Jay's 'poker mentor.' Other than that, he's ok.
* Daniel Negreanu - One of the hottest poker players on the circuit. He's happy and funny - so he has that going against him.
* Felicia Lee - Seems like a cool chick.
* SirFWALGMan - Unstable mad man of the poker-blogger community. And he has great taste in blogger skins.
* Guiness and Poker -
AKA Our own Doc's way of life. This is (apparently) a hugely popular blog.
* Missives from a Degenerate Underacheiver - Poker? Nerd? Sounds very familiar to me.
* Bad Blood Plays Poker He has a bad-ass icon.
* Wil Wheaton - Not so much about poker as about his post-celbrity life as a 'blogebrity.' Musky-boy (or is it Musky-less Boy?) broke out his huge vocabulary when he reviewed this blog without having read it. His one word review was 'fag.' He's so PC it's killing me.
If you know of other worthwhile links let me know and I'll add them.
Well if Paul jumped into freezing water to save your BIL, then we should call him Numb Nuts. While I don't have the greatest vocabulary in the world (unlike Khyle who can use many big words incorrectly at any time)I think referring to Wil Wheaton as "fag" is 100% appropriate. Why try to overstate the obvious?
And while Willyboy Wheaton is a Fag, Felicia Lee is most definately a lesbian.
As for Pauly Phillips if the prerequisite for being smarter and wittier is being arrogant, well..... Khyle is up there with this guy.
If being rich is the reason for being smart and witty, damn that Larry Flynt is one witty guy. Or.... did being smart and witty make him rich? Maybe he got lucky like 1000's of other .commers.
OK, I'm done with this post.
OK, no I'm not. "Dancing with the Stars"? Never heard of it. You watch too much TV. Do something more productive with your free time.
OK now i'm done.
Aw hell, I'm not done, how can I tell Khyle to do something more productive with his time if I'm spending all day commenting on this post?
I need to do something more productive. I think I will take a nap.
OK out this time.
OK, Nap over and I decided to read some of Willyboy's blog....... I stand by initial call except you can put "Flamming" in there too.
Damn, no edit feature on comments.
I prefer the term "bull dyke," thank you very much. ;)
Um, I think you have way too much time on your hands. Maybe you should put something else in your hands, do something useful, lol.
Wow, slapped upside the head. I apologize to all.
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