
Bar tourney

Musky, Magic and Squeaky as well as LuckyPP and Numb Nuts played in a free 80 man tourney in cheeseland last night. It was pretty well run, and a lot like the MPT (lots of bad players). In order to keep it short, I'll paraphrase the night for each player.

Musky: Folded every hand until he was all in with J7 1x BB.
Squeaky: Apparently won a couple hands, and outlasted Musky.
NumbNuts: Was eliminated twice (yes twice) before getting back in a 3rd time.
LuckyPP: Lasted till probably 20 or so people left when he was all in as the SB.
Magic: Eliminated just before PP. Blinds were 500/1000. There was a short stack all in ahead of him, and one call. In an effort to force out the caller, and increase his odds at the main pot, he pushed all in (pot was 6k, he raised another 4.5k). And I lost.

My aggressive play had nothing to do with either a strong desire for sleep or my feeling bad for Squeaky and Musky who had been picking their respective noses for about an hour by the time the hand came up.

One other note. I look down to AA on the 10th or so hand of the night. I am contemplating my raise, when I hear "I only have one card." Misdeal. CRAP.


At 7/07/2005 7:59 AM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Well we only "picked our" noses for 20 minutes, although it seamed a lot less watching all your tells.

Oh and BTW, when a player is only dealt 1 card, it isn't a misdeal. He gets the next card on the top of the deck. You got hosed.

Just so everybody is aware, I really enjoyed folding every hand I got for about an hour or so. Really made the game fun as it sort of plays right into my style. Just keep folding until everybody else is out. I think I won something like 2 out of the first 3 hands and then another one like 30 minutes later, and then didn't win another hand for the rest of the night.

On my final all in with J7, I was feeling pretty good against K 3 until the flop came KK4....buh by.


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