After seeing the omen last week, I was considering bringing our good friend Pepe back for a return visit to the MPT. After considering the circumstances of the last Pepe Lopez night, I think I'm going to have to pass. Yes, yes, I won, but it must have been a fluke. As you can see from the chart below, clearly my victory was pure luck. The more alcohol Doc has, the better he is; so I dare not bring any liquor to increase his chances. And he's clearly the class of the MPT (just ask him).

To Pepe or not to Pepe, that is the question.

The mechanic is coming, but truthfully, alcohol does not affect his skill level.
And to appease my sensitive friend Doc, I would like to clear a couple things up. I'm not hating on Doc (although as a white guy I think if I use a phrase like that, it's automatically soo five minutes ago). Anyway, he did have an amazing accomplishment last time. 3 victories, even in non-sanctioned events, is a great feat. However, he did have the luck of winning a couple coin flips, getting good cards against strong second hands, and the complete brain fart of Squeaky.
So no one is trying to minimize your accomplishments my friend. You're a stellar poker player. So relax.
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