Blog Oddities
Not that you should care about this, but I wanted to be official. I added little text ads for the blog. I'm donating all proceeds to a future event kitty. It occured to me that based on their rhetoric, we should just throw the money in between LuckyPP and Doc and let them have a private pissing match over who's better. But then I decided we should play out the game even though they obviously outmatch everyone else.
I'm sure you will be happy to know that we have accrued $.24. We're just $99.76 short of a check! Woo hoo! Doc - do tell, what are you planning to do with your money?
Also, in looking through our traffic logs, I saw that we're getting a lot of hits on Musky's post about Reg's rank at Party Poker. Turns out someone is searching for Poker Prophecy. It reminded me that of all ranked players, he was last. So I checked again, and his ranking has changed. Instead of 250,000 players that were better than him, there are now 450,000. Relax Reg, you only played one tourney - I'm sure it's just variance.
I also saw a referal from Alta Vista, a search engine. Someone searched Poker Nicknames....and we were fifth. As a google whore (big fan of Gmail, Blogger, Google search) I feel validated that we show up NOWHERE in the google results for Poker Nicknames. Alta Vista sucks ass apparently.
I knew a dude that had a blog and wanted traffic. He was trying to figure out a key phrase to put on his site for googler's to track down and get on his site.
Turns out that the phrase "Rachel Dratchs tits" was a real winner. She's that weird looking chick from SNL.
I never saw the blog, nor even know the content of it, but he swears up and down that "Rachel Dratch tits" is the phrase that holds the key to the internet.
Furthermore, how does a blogger go about finding out the internet referrals for his blog? It would be of great interest to me to see where the three readers I have come from.
Okay, I'm a liar. My one reader...and I know where he came from. It's the idea that counts okay. You the event I ever get a fan base that cares about whatever yackety yack I have to write about.
You can put a site counter on your blog. Click on the SITE METER logo on the right hand side, and you can go to their site and figure out how to throw the code on your site.
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