
A touch of Surreality

Thanks to Doc who sat on a 9 hour train from 2 hours away to get back and clean out his garage and host. And thanks for bringing back all the supplies to my house on Sunday...although I notice that the beer wasn't brought back...that's ok.

Saturday night started out a bit bizzarre, when the Milk Man, Sara Lee Salesman extraodinaire not only showed up, but played. To further confuse the issue, he wasn't among the first couple out. He actually horded a ton of chips, including all of mine. The Milk Man had transformed into a tricky SOB, slow playing AA to my top pair with a 4 flush on 4rth St. A long way from the guy who mucked the winning hand on Pepe Lopez night. However, everything ended up being ok with the world, and he placed out of the money.

The first table I was at in Game 1 started as a race for Greg's money, and quickly turned into a race for Squeaky's money. Sadly, I didn't get enough of either. Somehow, doe-eyed Tim made it to second (or was it first?) chip position in the first game. As I was pissing away my money in a side game, the last two guys made a deal.

Officially, we had no winners, as the final two each time chopped. I'm sure the Sausage King will bitch and moan, and that's fine. But chopping just to get home early costs you an official victory. Half-man Half-crappy brought his brother in law, who performed pretty well.

Merril's dynamic, highly combustible personality got him into trouble as he continually bullied around Numb Nuts. NN was continually heard muttering "I know you don't have anything, but I fold." Eventually, NN took out his nemesis, yelling "Hell yeah, push those chips over here, those are MINE." If Merrill comes back, he probably deserves a nickname. I'm formulating something, but it's still brewing. All I can say right now is that it will probably involve a Muppet.

Other notable happenings:

  • LuckyPP apparently has gone limp. No more domination.
  • Doc failed to 4 peat, even with the South Side rooting section.
  • Musky Boy finished in Musky Boy position in game 2 after dominating the early part of the game.
  • Squeaky....wow, that was awful. Had to do the walk of shame to regain composure after a bad performance in the first game.
  • Sausage King. It was my luck to run into his JJ when I was all in with 77 in Toruney 2. He took my money and made the most of it, even though he didn't officially win.
  • Regulator: His nickname is close to becoming a verb. As in "That guy just got sucked out by a two-outer, he was Regulatored." Then he got bored in Game 2 and donated his chips to Squeaky who didn't put them to good use.
Next month is at the House of Magic. I know there was some good-natured ribbing of Doc re: the spread. Just so expecations are set correctly... August is BYOE month. That means 'bring your own everythig.' I'll have ice and a couple coolers, plus the facility, poker chips, etc. Outside of that, you're on your own. No tic-tacs. No popcorn. Hell, no Plums or cold or hot pizza either.

Oh, and I'm currently in negotiations on the smoking status for next month. Apparently, the boss of the Magic household is concerned about smoke smelling up the baby's room. Even though the baby's room isn't above the garage, and we'd only be dealing with one can of Febreeze to de-odorize the guest room, I'm not confident that I will win this argument. So the odds at press time are strong that August will be smoke free.


At 7/11/2005 6:28 AM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Well if there isn't any smoking the game then should be played inside.

At 7/11/2005 8:46 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


It should be obvious by now that there will be no positive nicknames. "Madman" is ergo clearly out. I think anything with "Kid" in it - even if it's Kid Luck - is too positive.

We could go with "have over-cards will call" or "Mr. Personality." I'm still working on the Muppett angle.

At 7/11/2005 8:46 AM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

I think at the end of the day there were 3 players who played consistently well all night, they would be the three players who finished in the final four of both games, they would be Merrill, Numbnuts (Sorry Paul since Khyle branded you I have to go with it) and Muskyboy. And......as usual, it took luck to knock out Muskyboy in game two. Way to catch that two outer Ralph.

At 7/11/2005 8:48 AM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Oh, for Merril, we can call him "just another PP" or "Beginner's Luck II". As both Leitza and Schmidt came in with a blaze of glory to now fall into the "thanks for playing we appreciate your money" category of the MPT.

At 7/11/2005 8:49 AM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

OH and finally,

Halfman.....yes you did suck!!!!!!!!!!

At 7/11/2005 11:17 AM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

No I think we can come up with something more derogatory that that.

At 7/11/2005 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't I get the win?

I asked if he wanted to play it out or concede. He agreed to concede. I received the first place money & he took the second place money.

Explain how that is chopping the pot!!!!!!

Sausage King

At 7/11/2005 3:05 PM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Hello Ralphie boy...... no you took less. You did not get first place money and you didn't complete the game.

At 7/12/2005 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh believe me, next month I will return to my dominating ways. Depending on the status of my very pregnant wife or status of newborn baby. This is only the fourth total game that I did not finish in the money. It seems like longer since the games have conveniently been on nights that I have plans.


At 7/12/2005 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's BS, I had a 47 to 1 chip lead & I asked him if he wished to concede & he agreed.
I took whatever money was given to me, I did not count it. If you're going to get that technical with the rules, then you need to explain them better to the other players. I would have finished playing had I known you wouldn't give me the win.

Every Poker Dictionary I've checked defines 'Chopping' as 'Splitting the pot in half', I did not split the pot in half, I took the first place money.

Kyle & Dave do all the work organizing the event, so I will accept their decision, but if they're just bitter about me knocking them out, then their decision SUCKS!!!!!!!!

Sausage King

At 7/12/2005 12:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Chopping at the end of the tourney has nothing to do with pots. Chopping is agreeing to a deal without finishing.

You took (and verbally ok'd) taking $20 less to stop playing.

Besides, who the hell cares if you don't technically get a win. Christ, Regulator is still officially 0-MPT isn't he?

And I'm not at all bitter. You had JJ when I pushed with 77 what am I gonna do?

At 7/12/2005 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I accept that I screwed up, I sure don't remember agreeing to take less than my full share. But if I did, I screwed up. I guess I should have counted the money & I probably would have questioned it right away.

Again, I accept the final decision of the MPTOC (MPT Organizational Committee). I will no longer bring this topic up.

At 7/12/2005 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the deal: If Sausage King gets his win, you can smoke in the garage next month.

Mrs. Magic Man

At 7/13/2005 5:43 AM, Blogger Muskyboy said...


I'm not bitter you knocked me out. Hell I am sort of happy when people get lucky, it just reinforces their bad play in the future. You keep calling those two outers.

The not bitter Muskyboy.

At 7/13/2005 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if there is no smoking next time if there would be any cheese served. It should go with all of the wine(ing).

At 7/13/2005 9:53 AM, Blogger Allan Evans said...

Half-man - yes, it was me that flopped and slowplayed the full house (aces full of nines) to beat your trip aces. Don't feel that bad, it was the only good hand I had in both tourneys...

At 7/13/2005 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm glad to hear you're not bitter. But I only called your bet because it wasn't big enough to chase me out before the flop. (I love to see da flops) And after the flop I put you on the two pair, giving me 9 outs.

But to be totally honest, the main reason I won, was because Merrill, or whatever his name is, was on my right & called almost everything, so I could fold, save my money & still see what everyone else was doing.

Sausage King

At 7/13/2005 3:15 PM, Blogger Muskyboy said...


Interesting comment, but you obviously don't remember the hand. And your calculation of outs is also incorrect, again supporting my theory that you don't remember the hand. But even with 9 outs (although you only had 5 assuming I didn't have a Queen) you are 5 to 1 against, so from a mathematical sense calling a pot sized flop bet would be incorrect. But that's fine you hit the 10 and wiped my ass out. Now if another queen hits, giving you a higher two pair, you would have folded to my all in bet. So not only is your rememberence of the hand incorrect, your calculation of outs is incorrect and based on all that, I say that you flat out got lucky. Part of the game. Congrats on your semi-victory (yes you can call me an ass), you played the right hands at the right time all night.

On the upside, the biggest MPT Mouths didn't fair to well, so that's good.

At 7/13/2005 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're right about me not remembering the hand. Wasn't the flop 7, 4, 5 ? If so, then you were playing the 7-4 & have 2 pair & I have a pair of 10s. So I figured there 9 outs (2-7s, 2-4s, 3-5s & 2-10s still out). Any of which would have given me the better hand.

Am I not calculating that correctly? If not, how do you calculate it?


At 7/13/2005 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never mind!

I just realized the 7s & 4s were not outs for me.

Good thing my math sucked during the MPT or I would have folded that hand.


At 7/13/2005 5:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


I for one fully endorse and support your form of 'new' math for use in all your decision making at MPT tables.


At 7/13/2005 5:59 PM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Ha, funny. Actually the flop was Q 7 4. Not only do I get my assed kicked by the Iven I get my ass kicked with it.

Oh well, regardless of the math involved and or what you think you might have had or I had you ended up with the best hand and I went to the rail.

I'm gunning for you next game. Make sure you are there!!!!


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