Anticipation High
After the recently aborted "Not the Master of My Own Domain" had to be moved from Musky-land to Squeaky-ville, we again have plans to play Saturday at Musky-land. Hopefully our gracious and gregarious host's plans will not be foiled this time. Our attendance has been flagging as the weather gets warmer, so it's nice that I have a story of inspiration to share.
Our very own Squeaky has thrown off the yoke so to speak. Mrs. Squeaky had demanded that he go to her family reunion in Arkansas - over poker weekend. I'm sure Squeaky was torn between both his sincere love for family reunions and the state of Arkansas, and poker night.
But he decided that his dedication to his fans and the MPT outweighed his love of Arkansas. Initially Mrs. Squeaky wasn't so keen on his choice. So Squeaky did what he had to....he whined incessantly. And just days ago, he released a press statement indicating that he is now a for sure for our Saturday event.
Word on the street (literally, our Street) is that Musky Boy has moved him to near the bottom of his uber-secret whipped list.
As for me, I think most of my Saturday will be spent buying Fiji Water in preparation for the nights activities, buying several cigars, and checking my basement every 30 minutes.
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend to help take some of the money off of your hands.
Or extend your losing streak. More likely.
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