
Poker is too damn popular

Don't get me wrong. I like the fact that there are 18,000 poker shows on TV with pudgy pasty guys talking about poker. I mean, I can just never get enough of "he's got a legitimate pair of 2s!" and "GREAT Laydown!" and "OH BOY, We've got three way action!"

Now honestly, I don't get the Tilt thing. It just seems like if they wanna go the seedy Vegas route, they should be on HBO instead of ESPN, you know, do it right.

But a poker SITCOM? There's a story in the Poker Gazzette today that Janeane Garafalo is starring in a pilot based on the life of Annie Duke.

Duke is pretty annoying as a personality, she's got a little Phil Hellmuth in her. But, Garafalo is actually more annoying in an arrogant, artsy, socio-political commentary way.

But hey, that awful sitcom starring the guy from Seinfeld based on Tony Kornheiser is still on the air, so there's still room for awful television on the major networks.


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