Proof Positive
Our former official photog, Regulator sent me these pictures from our last event. Why former? Well, he got the title by being the only one to ever bother. But they're so bad, he had to be let go.
The first picture is of the loser lounge. As you'd expect, Squeaky is there (far left) and so is Curious Kitty (far right). BL isn't pictured simply becuase he was late for the game, and thus couldn't officially be eliminated.

This next picture was taken with 5 left in the tournament. Now, the surprising thing here is that Musky Boy (he's the surly looking one in his Perma-Hat), actually has a bunch of chips in front of him. Normally, he has just a few chips left by now, only to suffer a 'bad' beat.
The other thing, is that you forget just how awesome a display Magic Man put on to come back and win the tourney. Look at that fuzzy picture. He must have like 3 chips left. He's dominated by every other player, and yet they all would succumb to his superior aggresion and skill.
And hey, it looks like Doc had not yet lost his ability to locate the beer.

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