Squeaky Sucks Again
Squeaky, riding a tidal wave of suckouts extended his season high winning streak to 3 consecutive tourneys. Luck was certainly on his side as he rode suckout after suckout to the win. I came to the tourney pretty drunk so can't say that I remember much, but I do remember running up a rather large stack of chips only to be sucked dry by Squeaky who made an amazingly bad read, and an even worse call against my all in only to suckout on the river. It was on the bubble so Squeaky's suckout hurt even worse. I'm sure others played well and had some decent play but Squeky's luck would not be overcome.
Squeaky came into game two with high hopes of going 4 straight to tie Sausage Kings suckout fest record, but it wasn't to be. Without Sausage King and W style luck on his side Squeaky came back to normal and finished out of the money. Khyle, shockingly finished out of the money as well (I say that with a high level of Sarcasm). Lucky PP showed up for game two just in time to be knocked out in about 3 minutes, which seems to be becoming a bit habit forming for him. The final four was Doc, Ross, Jamie and Musky. Within the final four there were 3 all ins that ended in a tie and play was rather tight. Doc was the chip leader, but Doc, Ross and Musky were able to survive several all ins to stay in the game. The key hand of the final four saw Musky all in with KJ (or the hand of Death) against Jamie's QQ, but a King came on the turn and Musky survived. Ross ended up dropping out 4th and Jamie offered to chop 2&3 place with Musky but Musky declined. Jamie stated that he wouldn't forget that Musky wouldn't chop, so of course Jamie got knocked out on the next hand. After that Doc had about 90% of the chips and made quick work of Musky, who has now been first loser (2nd place) 3 times this year.
Next game will be hosted by Squeaky.