
BL Recap

Tabatha and SK won. Yay. Contrary to rumors, the tour will not be renamed the sausage Poker Tour or the goldfinch Poker tour. It seems that SK has won the most important MPT skill: Winning a hand as the Underdog. It was refreshing that he went out 3rd in the second game after seeing him treat everyone like characters from Oz for the last two months.

Nickname Clean up: Tim was going to be Doe-Eyes or Bambi. But then he had a MPT Hall of Fame quote after a ridiculous hand. He was in a hand with Squeaky (who had a pretty good hand), and called him down with K high. When asked why he called off most of his stack with nothing, he responded: "I guess I got caught up in the sexiness of Squeaky."

So he is now known as Ghey Bambi. On second thought, that might be too harsh (even for me). We'll stick to just Bambi.

I think my nickname sucks - it lacks oomph, and it's not overtly derogatory. So I'm removing the nickname, and opening up for suggestions. Reg and Musky will be the arbiters.

I also think that Musky's name sucks. It should be some combo of Rock, Whine, Hellmuth, and fish. I'm not feeling creative at the moment.

Next game is at Squeaky's joint. The burning question: Will the all time MPT Money winner show? Tune in and find out.


At 9/12/2005 1:55 PM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Here are my suggestions for Khyle's new nickname:

1) AssMunch
2) Ego Boy
3) IT (you decide if it's information tech or the clown in the S. King book)
4) Chirpy
5) KJ (For his continual overplay of King Jack)
6) Dead money has opened up since Rob is now Prancer

At 9/12/2005 6:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bitter bitter Musky Boy. AssMunch? Really? That's the best your creativity can come up with?

I have zero poker ego. None, nada. You and Reg are the self-proclaimed gurus, not me. I openly admit I suck. I have no problems with that.

My particular talent, weak and inane as it may be, is pointing out other's foibles.

Chirpy might work. SOMEONE has to liven up the show with Iven out of the picture. This is supposed to be a social game.

Musky has the personality of a fish when it comes to the poker table.

Squeaky barely speaks unless it's "So and So wants to go to vegas," or "please stop calling me jackass Khyle."

Just consider yourselves lucky I don't do a repeat karaoke rendition of Big & Rich.


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