

I played extremely well all night. The only thing that stopped me was Hymie calling me on a flush draw with about 50% of the odds he needed.

Game 1: Musky dominated early building a massive stack. He then went into his shell, and folded his way to the final two. When raised by Magic Man, he thought and re-raised all in. Magic called, won the hand and the tournament. The fact that Musky held Kojack to Magic's KT is beside the point.

It was the second biggest choke job in MPT history. No one is sure what the biggest choke job is, but we're trying to make Musky feel better.

Game 2: Apparently sucking out on Magic's AA wasn't enough of a boost. So when he found himself outchipped 10-1 against Regulator, he had some work to do. He took down some pots when the killer hand came. Reg does not raise with KK. The flop comes 866. Reg is first to act, and goes all in. Hymie called with Q6 and essentially eliminates Reg as a threat.

To review: Reg took a very high risk reward option. He didn't raise with KK, thereby allowing any hand in the pot. With a potentially scary flop, he committed his entire stack without the benefit of knowing the strength of Hymie's hand.

Reg: I think it's a big mistake not raising with KK, but I can kind of see your thought process. You wanted to get it over with right then. The only thing you were scared of would be an A on the flop, and even then without Hymie raising, no big risk.

However, two questions remain. A) What hands was Hymie going to have that we would have a good second best hand without raising pre-flop that would enable him to lose a lot of money post flop? B) Why on earth go all in on that flop? What possible hand is he going to have to call you with that doesn't have you beat? K8?

Are the details incorrect?


At 5/23/2006 6:01 PM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Well if putting all my money in the middle with the best hand constitutes choking and making a dreadful call and getting lucky equates to great play on our authors part, I guess I don't know how to play.

At 5/23/2006 6:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The choke job came inbetween your huge lead and that hand.

I won't argue with you on knowing how to play.

At 5/24/2006 6:46 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

OK, that makes more sense. Instead of two big mistakes, you only made one.

No, I would not have laid down the KK on any non-A flop. But I would have raised pre-flop to try and eliminate those crap hands that would have stayed in. Information information information.

I try to put people in positions to make mistakes, and you didn't give him the opportunity.

At 5/24/2006 6:27 PM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

So I choked by getting down to two players and losing to a huge suck out? I guess I'm not following your poor logic.

At 5/24/2006 8:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You can ignore the fact that you went into a shell and lost a huge lead before that hand if it makes you feel better.

At 5/25/2006 8:18 PM, Blogger Muskyboy said...

Actually if you had your facts straight which as usual you don't, I donated a good portion of my Chips to Feltman who in turn donated them to you.

But continue with your revisionist history if you must.


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